Joined this race on a sudden whim that I wanted LSD of 42K coz I was so "bitin" with my runs recently at gym, and I need a trail run for me to test the trail running in preparation for CDO-Dahilayan 55K Trail Ultra Marathon ( this coming July 9. Got my race kit c/o Doc Art (thanks so much Doc! ^-^) on last minute for 50K (but the actual mileage was 57K to be counted as a finisher), but only run for around 44 or 45K I think and DNF because of serious lack of sleep and insufficient training, and the most dreaded/hated part is the weather, because it was super hot due to impending rainfall on late afternoon! But if it was not for my being unprepared for the weather and insufficient training and serious lack of sleep, I would say that I love this route, because I so hiking/mountaineering...
Wandering Soul
Somewhere I could rest...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
frontRUNNER ‘The Valley Trail Challenge'
Joined this race on a sudden whim that I wanted LSD of 42K coz I was so "bitin" with my runs recently at gym, and I need a trail run for me to test the trail running in preparation for CDO-Dahilayan 55K Trail Ultra Marathon ( this coming July 9. Got my race kit c/o Doc Art (thanks so much Doc! ^-^) on last minute for 50K (but the actual mileage was 57K to be counted as a finisher), but only run for around 44 or 45K I think and DNF because of serious lack of sleep and insufficient training, and the most dreaded/hated part is the weather, because it was super hot due to impending rainfall on late afternoon! But if it was not for my being unprepared for the weather and insufficient training and serious lack of sleep, I would say that I love this route, because I so hiking/mountaineering...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My First Full Marathon @ the Skyway!
Since the time I started running, which was March last year at Unilab Leg 1, I had heard much talk about the Condura Run 2010, about how challenging and fun it was, and that it is a must-join event for it is only once a year event that the Skyway would be closed for a race to take place.
So from then on, I decided that I would join the Condura 2011. My goal then was to run 21K at the Condura 2011. But because of the encouragements from my sister and friends, and I also wanted to prove that I could do it, I decided to join the 42K event upon registration for the event this year. Thanks guys! I am really glad I did.

But I guess I’m being a “crammer” again, because as much as I wanted to prepare myself for the race, I was not able to train much dueto being sick after my 32K run (so even had to sell my QCIM race kit then just to recuperate), got busy with work and trips abroad. I was able to train every now and then, but the mileage was certainly not enough for my muscles to get use to the 42K distance that I would soon be running.
So come the day of the race, we were up at 1:30am, which was supposed to give us ample time to prepare for the race. But maybe because my sister and I were still quite dazed then, so it was already 3am when we left the house and tried to catch a cab in the wee hour to go to BGC and hoping to make it to 3:30 gun start on-time.
It was already 3:29am when we reached the venue. My sister said that she would be the one to deposit our things at the baggage area so I could go ahead to the Start Line on-time.
I only have less than a minute then, so only did a few last-minute stretches then the gun starts. It left me no time to get jittery which I usually have at the start of a race. My goal for the race was just to finish it without injury and to get the medal! :)
Even at the start of the race, I decided not to get a PR for the race, I planned to just finish my first Full Marathon according to my condition then. For the first 26 or 27 Kilometers, my pace was quite slow, but I still went on and ran con
tinuously. But upon reaching 27 Kilometers, my leg muscles started to get sore, so from then on until I reached 42Kilometer, I kept on walking and stretching whenever I felt my muscles getting sore again, for I was afraid I would not be able to finish till I reached the end of 42 Kilometers. But it was really disheartening for me

for I have never joined a race and walked for long distances instead of running or jogging. I felt I was such a sissy on the race because I kept on complaining to myself that I was having a hard time, how my muscles were aching, how tired I was already, that I kept on walking whenever and not just pulled myself together and persevere to run all the way till the end. Indeed running a marathon is really no joke, it really needs a strong willpower and endurance to finish the race.
I have very mixed feelings about the race, so it was only now that I am able to write my thoughts about the race. On the one hand, I was happy that I did finis
h my first Full Marathon without having any injury, and that I was able to finish 42K! But on the other hand, I was really upset about myself and my time, for I really wanted to finish at most 4:30, but I was only able to achieve a 4:45. So I felt that I failed

partly for my mission in this race. I vowed to myself to have more training so I would be fit enough for my next Full Marathon!
I would like to give my thanks to the following for supporting me in the race: first and foremost to Lord, for being with me all the way. Then to my one and only sis, Irene, for being my race manager as usual. To my love: Fonz for your support, love you! ^-^ Then to Takbo peeps: Carina, Brando, Rodel, Maan, Drew, JP, Alvin, Jixee, Earl, Rod, Kit, Francis, Marge, Rex and others for your support and really nice seeing you all again. ^0^ To my officemates and friends too: boss Marvin, boss Rona, Benson, others thanks for your support. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010
My First Race with My Inspiration at "Men’s Health Urbanathlon & Festival 2010"

For this race, “Men’s Health Urbanathlon & Festival 2010,” at first I had no plan of joining it, for I thought it would be an event mainly for guys, and honestly, I had never tried any of the obstacles that would be included in the event, such as: Tire Dump, Balance Beam, Scaffolding Maze, Low Crawl, Hurdles, and the Wall, so it seemed a really hard feat for me to go through them unharmed. But deep within, I would really want to give it a try. So when I knew that my inspiration would be here in Manila on the day of the race, I had myself registered to join the race event. :D
November 7th, the day of the race finally came! But both my inspiration and I were not ready for the race event. On my inspiration’s part, he was really preoccupied with long hours of work and lack of sleep for the past several days. And on my part, I had been experiencing lack of sleep too due to some matters and the night before the race, had a late-night gimmick which ended at 3am on the race day and had to go straight to the race venue after change of clothes and preparation of things.
Upon arrival at the race venue, I was really nervous for I knew that I was really lacking in training and had serious lack of sleep. So I had given up all thoughts of having a good PR, just hoping I would not collapse while on the 10K race category would be enough for me. J
For me the race was very special, for it was a race wherein I had first ran together with my inspiration. We went through the whole race together, and it was a very memorable “date” for me. I am so happy to have someone accompany me all throughout. And I hope in the near future we would have more runs together!
Aside from the fact that I had much fun due to running with my inspiration at Men’s Health Urbanathlon & Festival 2010, the event itself was a really enjoyable one for me. It was quite different from the fun runs I had joined previously, I got to experience passing through different obstacles, and I could say I enjoyed them! Well, except for one, that is The Wall… I had tried rappelling while I was with World Citi Mountaineering Club before, but it was with harness and other safety equipments attached, so I had some fear upon seeing The Wall. After waiting on queue for a period of time watching others finish the feat, but puzzled as to why the women had to be helped by someone else for them to reach the top, it was my turn and I came to realize why. Upon pulling on the rope, I found out that no matter how hard I tried, I could not get myself up even for an inch, I kept on sliding down, quite a late lesson for me, for even though I do ran at least one or twice a week at gym, but I did not pay much attention to my arm muscles, so I did not really had much strength on my arms for me to pull on the ropes and pull myself upwards. Good thing my inspiration was behind me, and pushed me up till I reached the top of The Wall. But while on top of the 8-feet wall, my fear of heights returned, my mind went blank and I did not know how to go down from The Wall. What a blessed instance it was that Mike Flores, my supersonic runner friend had finished his run and was there to help me go down till I reached the ground. It was really a great relief for me thanks to Fonz and Mike. Thank you so much! =) After a short moment, my inspiration joined me and together we dashed for the Finish Line. What a very nice first run-date for us. ^-^
Over-all, for me the event was a good one, it was challenging and well-arranged. The water stations were quite abundant. There were not so many people crowding all over the place, so it was quite orderly. The food by Century Tuna was yummy! And it was really nice to see friends and familiar faces from people sharing the same passion in running. Till the next race event!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Adidas King of the Run

Sunday, August 1, 2010
CKSCAA Fun Run: Running with My Schoolmates

Due to recent change of work schedule and dealing with some other things, I was not able to train properly again. So on the final week before the day of the Fun Run, I tried to force myself to train really hard even though I had been seriously experiencing lack of sleep for several weeks already. The fun run was on the Sunday, so the last training I was supposed to have was the Friday before the fun run. So I dragged myself to the gym for my last leg of training, and sad to say, I had overdone it. It was supposed to be a 5K tapering run on the treadmill, but I had forgotten that precaution, I just felt I was stressed out, so I tried to take off my stress by running with all my might, and when it ended, it was already too late when I realized what I had done, I had run 11K with combination of inclination and speed training and I was dog tired. The best way for me to remedy it should be to have complete rest the next day. But July 24th was the date wherein I was set to join the Worldwide Photowalk led by Photowalk leader Tilak Hettige. It was something I definitely would not want to give up for the sake of the run. So I went and join the Photowalk, and as expected, I did not feel well after walking under the sun for several hours, and tried to sleep it off and hoping my body would get better the next day.
July 25
The day of the fun run had finally arrived. I woke up at 0330 and together with my sister, hitched on friend Leo N’s car in going to the venue. Upon arriving at the venue, which was in SM Mall of Asia, I had some GIT problems then due to nervousness, good thing the police station there was kind enough to let me refresh myself in their rest room. After that, I wandered around the place a little bit, then prepare myself by stretching a little before the run. Upon going to the Start Line, I then saw that there were runners which I had seen from other races I had joined were there too. I was happy at the same time being sad, because I somehow felt I would not be able to have a podiu
I started with slow jogs at gun start. But I was breathing really hard, seriously gasping for air, I knew then and there that it would be one hard race for me to finish, and that was mainly due my being burned out from over training 2 days ago, and my body condition was not at its best also.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
My First Milo Elims Run
This is my second time with 21K run. The preparation for the first was with much bad experiences. So I promised myself I would do better with my second 21K. But based on my finish time today, I didn’t. For I had achieved a sub-2 in my first 21K, but today I had finished at around 2:04 I think. But that’s quite understandable, for first of all I was still so lacking in training. For after the June 12 run, I took a week vacation, then for the whole of last week, I only run for around 10K, and this week I had run for a total of 18k. And for some reasons even I myself could not figure out why, I was getting so little amount of sleep for the past month, like maybe only 3 to 4 hours each day, it really is not something that one who is preparing for a race should do, for one of the prerequisites in running is to have enough sleep.
Today my sister and I had to wake up at 2:30am so we could go to the race venue before 42K run starts for she had volunteered to be part of the support team organized by for runners. If we were to go by ourselves it would be quite an effort, for she had brought 2 water sprayers, watermelon, bananas, and melons. Good thing our dear friend Ken was willing to fetch us from the house to go to race venue. Ken, thanks so much for being willing to wake up that early to support us! :)
For the race today, I decided to keep a relaxing pace, for it is no joke for me to run 21K, coz it would just be my second time to go for 21K straight. So all throughout the race I kept on checking my pace, I would slow down my pace whenever I felt I would nearly be going out of breath or slipped away from my right pacing. On this run, I did not felt like I would be passing out anytime soon or have thoughts that I would be on the brink of being carried away by the ambulance. But upon reaching 15K, I started to felt my legs getting somewhat tired for it is not used to running distance longer than 10K for the past 3 weeks. Still I kept on, and being extra careful with my legs, existing knee and toenail injury till the finish line.
The map was easy, but as usual, I did not try to understand it and tried to run following a crowd. So without a pacer just like the last run I was with coach Kenley, I got lost. There were lots of times wherein I could not see anyone wearing a yellow bib so I was not sure if that was the route for the 21K runners, and the worst waste of time was when I thought I had already reached the Finish Line when I reached the Starting Line. I really thought then that I had finished the race already but was quite puzzled when I saw that there was no device on the ground to record the finish time. So I tried to find a marshal there to ask about it but found none, but a kind-hearted soul answered my query and told me that Finish Line would still be some distance away. I then hurried to jumpstart my pace again so that my finish time would not be that bad, but I was sort of spent already for I had tried to sprint to my “Finish Line” earlier.
Upon reaching the correct Finish Line, I was given a Winner for 21K Women Verification card. I did not give it much thought then, for I thought it was one of the things they were giving to 21K finishers. But when I saw that other runners does not have that card, I asked the people assisting in the event and was led by them to the Winner’s area. I was sort of surprised then because I knew my pace was not that fast, how could I be in the top 10 for my gender? I was given a packaged food from Rufo’s and asked to standby first and wait for our turn to receive the awards. It took around an hour before they started to arrange the winners based on the finish time and called out the bib numbers. The other winners there were called, but mine was not. So I asked the assisting people there whether I did really won or not for I was given a Winner card but mine was maybe left out? They checked and double checked and in the end expressed their apologies when they found out that I was 11th and not 10th place. If I did enter the top 10 winners, I think I would be able to join the Finals, but since I did not, and my finish time was far from the qualifying time, I did not qualify for the Finals then. But it is still good for me to know that, for I did not expect to be top 11 among women runners for 21K today with my pace, race experience and physical condition. This is really an encouragement for me to be more serious with training for I was usually top 10 among women except for my very run which was the 5K run in Unilab Run and first 21K run last June 12 after a month long rest, this time I was only 11th, it meant that I am still so lacking in training so I did not get the time I was supposed to get (sub-2) and therefore could not make it to top 10 among runners in my gender.
I would want to express my thanks to:
Kenley – for your coaching and guiding especially while pacing me during my first 21K run.
Brando and Sherwin – for your advises on how to train for the run.
Special thanks to:
Ken R – for being there to support us all the way from start to finish. You’re really a very valuable friend!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Philippine Independence Day Marathon
This is a long-overdue post, should be posted after my run on June 12, but I had forgotten that it is still saved as draft. :p
“After skipping 2 races I had registered to run but not able to due to my injury, I can finally run again now! To celebrate my independence from being on exile from running for a month, I had registered for the 21K run in the Philippine Independence Day Marathon. Yes, it is really something that even I myself do not believe that I could accomplish without pains. But it is just a fun run, so with all boldness I had registered for it.
I only started to train again on June. It was really not enough time to train for 21K when you are starting from zero. Before, even when I was not into running yet, I do regularly go to gym and tried to beat my endurance with the Stairmaster available at Slimmers. More or less I had some built-up endurance with me then, it just only need to be leveled up if I wanted to be more serious with running. So when my sister asked me to join her in the fun runs she was also registered in, the transition to running on Treadmill from Stairmaster was not that hard. But due to injury I had gained with 2 toe beds along with the nails, I really had to take a rest from running or any activity that would affect or bring pressure to the toe nails. So running, swimming, Taekwondo, badminton, mountain climbing, Ultimate, etcetera were really a big no-no for me. I could still do those things, but because I am a girl, I would definitely not want them to be gone forever.
So back to this run, 21K run for Philippine Independence Day Marathon was definitely no easy feat for me and I knew that right from the start. But...I really want to get that medal! So I would go for it and try my best to get it no matter what the cost may be. :D And yes, even though I still could see no signs of nails growing, but the nail beds are not hurting anymore. It is sort of a go signal for me to run again.
Totally not yet ready and definitely not trained for it, I dragged myself to the event. My lack of endurance really showed for even just at the first few kilometers I was already having a hard time breathing. I found out then and there that 21K is no joke, and to finish it would be really a great task for me. Just when I was about to give up and choose the walking method instead of running/jogging, my friend/coach Kenley came to the rescue. :) Through his pacing/ accompanying/ encouragement, I was able to finish my very first 21K! I think I had finished my 21K then within 2 hours, but I am not sure as to what the exact time was, for there is still no result for the Philippine Independence Day Marathon, and that was partly the reason as to why I had not posted this blog yet for I want to have my result included in the blog but I guess it would not be anytime soon for the result to come out, that is, if it would still be released.haha After the race, my whole body felt really tired and not feeling well the whole day afterwards. I had to go straight to work after then so I was really very tired by the time I’ve gotten home after work.
By the run, I was really exposed that I am so lacking in training and my body still could not endure two hours of running then. It gave me cold sweats to think that if I was alone without the help of Kenley, then I would probably be found riding in the ambulance or have much injury all over. Ahia Kenley, thank you very much for being there for me throughout the run! If you were not there, I don't think I would be able to make it. Thanks also to dear friend Ken Reyes for your support. ^^ And of course to my very dear sister for being there always for me. Love you! <3”
Tomorrow would be my second time to try out 21K run at Milo Elimination Manila leg. This time I am still so not ready yet, but I have learned my lesson, so I would not try to get my best PR, I would just enjoy myself in the run and keep my own pacing for I definitely would not want to gain anymore injury as I still got a partially healed toe bed and slight knee injury now. As to my dear coach Kenley for his 42K, Ken for 10K, Brando for 21K and to all other Milo Elimination Manila participants, more power to you all!