I was really excited for the Adidas KOTR even months before. So I should have been ready for it when it finally took place, right? But as it is, I was not.
So much for resolutions for the sake of improving my running, such as having enough sleep, proper diet, proper training etc. But as it was, I failed in all those aspects. From the time that I had acquired a sideline job after my office work hours starting this August, it was not possible for me to spend that much time on tra
ining at the gym anymore. And another thing is that I had found my love on September, so aside from the 2 jobs and love life, there is really no time for training anymore.:p And, I DO NOT regret any of that. In fact, I am enjoying it! :) I am thankful for the things that is happening to me. Needless to say, definitely I would not be able to have a good PR this time for I had really poor training and weak stamina on top of that. :D
Come October 24, the day finally came for the run. I slept at around 9pm the night before, which was really a very early time for me to head to bed. But since I had to wake up at around 2:30 in the morning to prepare myself for the run, I just had to sleep that early.
I woke up to the alarm of my 2 cellular phones at 2:30AM and proceeded to prepare myself for the run. Then, together with my sister and a friend Tina, we headed for the venue. By the time we had arrived there, it was almost time for the race to start. I was quite nervous about my run, for I knew that my body was not really cut out for 21K this time. So I prayed to the Lord to keep me safe and sustain me till the very end.
For the run, I decided to just finish the whole course and not aiming for be
sting my own PR. All I knew was that I was really huffing and puffing all the way from Start to the Finish Line. There were lots of times wherein I was tempted to just slow down and walk to the Finish Line, for I felt that my energy was draining as time passes by. But on second thought, I chose not to. It is a very good thing that I did not do that, for I was able to drag myself to cross the finish line at 2:03:25, a time which was exactly the same as what I had in my Milo run for 21K race category last July 4th.
Despite my weak condition, I was really thankful that the water stations in this run was a whole lot better than last July 4th, the weather was cool this time, the marshals giving out clear instructions so runners would not be confused as to where to go after converging with runners from different race categories at some points and had to separate ways to the respective race routes. If the conditions this time were like that of July 4th, I would definitely be one of those collapsed to the ground.:D
But honestly, on the last few kilometers, I was experiencing cold sweats and blood draining from my face or hands that I thought I would pass out anytime then, so my goal then was just to force my body to continue to run until I had reached the Finish Line. It was until at the Finish Line that I suddenly woke from my dazed condition and realized that I had made it, and I was about to finish the race. I saw the clock then ticking off at 2:03:22, 2:03:23, then I dashed till I crossed the last piece of mat for timing.haha
I was not able to enjoy the after-race events that much for I had to rush off to work at 930AM afterwards.
All I could say of this run is that though the results is a little bit disappointing but I enjoyed it! Till next!